Stari Grad Plain (Hora) is a stunning agricultural colony established by the Greeks 2400 years ago and very much in operation today. The Hora is a fertile stretch of land between Vrboska and Stari Grad, easily accessible by bicycle from Vrboska, whose main crops of grapes and olives have been cultivated continuously for 24 centuries. The Hora is a collection of stone walls and shelters and is testament to the Greeks' geometrical approach to land division.
The Hora achieved UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 2008. More information on the UNESCO website - http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1240/
For organised walking tours contact :
Agencija za upravljanje Starogradskim poljem
Vukovarska cesta 2
21 450 Stari Grad
Tel. +385 (0)21 765 275